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Happy April Fools’ Day everyone. It’s been two years since we’ve pulled a prank on our readers, so we wanted to make it a good one.

Origin.comhas leaked the official name, logo, and some key features forThe Sims 4 Get Schooled, the next Expansion Pack for The Sims 4.

Strike out on your own, hit the books, or go wild on campus in The Sims 4™ Get Schooled! Give your Sims the time of their lives at Llama University. Choose from a variety of majors and pursue a degree! But college isn’t all work, join a fraternity or sorority and host parties in your dorms! Just make sure not to miss the test tomorrow.


Hit the BooksFeeling studious? Sims can choose from a plethora of majors and pursue a degree that will give them an edge once they graduate! Just make sure your Sims attend the newinteractive classesand do well on their exams, or they might not have enough credits at the end of the semester!

Branch OutYour Sims now live away from home! With all that freedom comes wild parties, late-night adventures, and having to share a room with someone might be a bit of a weirdo. Join asorority or fraternityor live inshared dorm rooms!Sims can host parties in their rooms, but be careful, the campus police might not like that.

Explore Your SchoolLlama U comes with its own college town! Go to the newmovie theaterwith your friends after that big test, or explore thehiking trailsin the woods beyond campus. Visit thestudent unionto find new activities and ways to get involved on campus!

School OthersFor the first time ever, your Sims can be teachers with the newEducation active career.Start as a local high school teacher and work your way up to being a professor at Llama U! Learn the newpublic speaking skillto make your lessons more engaging, or engage the public in rallies across campus!

Happy April Fools’ Day everyone!